Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 28 without Dan - Ok, I know, I'm Leaving for Real this Time..

I'm supposedly back in Ipoh already by now. Thank God I wasn't.

While I was busy handling my already-been infected-by-virus laptop, there came a call from an anonymous number which turned out to be a call from the clinic. To my surprise and frustration, the nurse told me they left out a blood test for my medical check up and I need to go back for it. Gosh, fortunately I'm still in Penang, if not I'll have to come back all the way again?? Sigh. Now they have to delay the process of my employment pass approval by 2 days (or more)..Double sigh..... =(

Gee, I never knew being back here this time could be so bored..Aunt Maggie's not around, Camilia's having chicken pox, and I'm stuck at home most of the time. Compared to back in Ipoh, I took the time to help Dad at the office and so time seems to pass much faster. This time back here, I had so much time to think over a lot of stuffs, get frustrated, get over it, control myself and adapt to it. There you have it, 'mou liu-ness' can make people crazy and I can't wait to get home!

This might be the last time I get back to Penang before I leave to SG, and so I did take the chance to get some good food, enjoy this place for the last time for now and head off to a new land. I know I'm gonna really miss Penang and the people here. This place was the place where I lived my teens with so many sweet and bitter memories, ups and downs, and joy and laughter. I really had a good time in this 2nd home of mine.

Dan would be coming back in a day's time. I bet he must've missed home so much. Now he can have the chance to be back and make full use of the time for it. I'm glad for him. I know he's gonna enjoy himself back here and I'm happy for him. Do be careful and take care of yourself, Dan =).

It's time for me to leave tomorrow. I'm gonna have one good look at the house, the surroundings and everything in it. I know I'm gonna really miss those days back here.

Bye for now , you're always gonna be on my mind~

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