Monday, March 2, 2009

~A Song for a Special Little One~

The clock ticked 6.24pm on a Standby day. I was yet to be called up for flight, and so I decided to do something to overcome the boredom. I tried filling in bits of words here and there for a song I wrote for a special little girl of a special couple that made a difference in my life.

"Hey, baby Adara is 3 months old now, you must write a song for her, ok?" Victor suddenly popped that question out of nowhere. It caught me by surprise, because it never came to my mind before. Well, why not? =)

I just want them to know that they meant alot to me and have been the most special ones in my life in Singapore. I thank God for blessing me with precious people like you in my life.

This is a song specially for the both of you, and baby Adara, the first jewel in your lives.

To Victor n Shu Xian- This is a song called God's Gift to Me.

Oh, and did I mentioned, I was called up for the longest turnaround...phew...

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