Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life is a Never Ending Journey of Learning..

Sometimes things comes on you hard. It doesn't mean when you're 25 you've known it all. Not even when you're 45 or 65. You learn new things everyday. You will be surprise of the things that you have not known of throughout your life.

You can never act that you know it all, or know everything. It doesn't mean that if you're good in one thing, you are good in another. Yes, your skills are to be appreciated, but you should accept the fact that they are other skills that you must learn to buck up on.

You can never show attitude when you're not an expert in that area. Always learn to have an open heart to accept criticsms, because that's the thing that makes you improve. Appreciate the fact that the others took time to criticize, because then you know where your weaknesses are, and learn to be better. Otherwise, imagine being stuck with the same old weaknesses for the rest of your life; NEVER be ignorant. People who give you sh*t are the ones that make you aware and be afraid of that weaknesses that you will vow perfect it in anyway you can.

Yes, sometimes criticisms are hard on the ear. It strikes your self-esteem, and you felt belittled. You feel that you've lost that confidence. Now that's the time you know you should make a difference. Take it seriously, bite the bullet and just do it. And do it, and do it, and do it, until you get it. Until you know you've done your best, and you're satisfied. Then you know you've succeeded.

It doesn't have to be a major thing in your life. It may be a small little habit. Or a passion that you held on so dearly to. For when it comes to the time when you are up there, you will look back, smile at it and give yourself a pat on the shoulders for a job well done.

Just gotta keep Holding on........

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Having a Big @$$ Mouth, Bull$h*tting only Get you this Far

I was getting ready for a flight this morning, checking in only to find out that my recency for the fleet has expired as of today. Therefore, I called the Control Center to inquire about the matter.

Reason why this wasn't checked earlier? Webpage was down and I was overseas, I couldn't check on anything.

Me: Hi, I'm supposed to be going for a flight today, however I realised that my recency has expired as of today. So can I still do the flight?
CC: Let me check it out with my duty officer and give you a call back.
(....to which she didn't revert back to me, and I had to call her back instead)
Me: So how is it?
CC: Yes, you can still do the flight, according to my duty officer.
Me: Ok, since you said so. Sure, thanks.

(after thinking twice, I decided to call them back and get an assurance)
Me: Hi, can you give me the duty officer's name for the case of the matter?

(reason why I did so because the same thing had occured to other people, and she got paxed back due to expiry of recency. Result? demerit points. Knowing of the consequences in case I was to be blamed for operating with an expired recency, I can still justify the matter with the duty officer.)

CC: Oh, errmm, please hold on.
(a moment of silence, then someone picked up and spoke)
Duty Officer: You are so n so rite?
Me: Yes I am.
Duty Officer: I heard that you wanted the duty officer's name rite?
Me: Yes....

Me: Well I just wanted to know who gave me the permission to go just in case the company calls me up and I can answer to them.
Duty Officer: IF I SAY YOU CAN MEANS YOU CAN GO. The company has appointed us to handle this matter and they will not call you. Are you DOUBTING the control centre??
Me: No of course not. Since you give me the green light then I am assured. Thanks.

Shortly after, I boarded the taxi and was on my way to work when my cellphone rang.

CC: Hi, after much consideration, you are actualy not able to do this flight. I will take you off the flight and call someone up.
Me: Huh?? But I thought you said Ok??
CC: No, but now you can't do so. I will call you later. Let me call up the girl first.

She explained to me on that matter later, and I totally appreciate her effort to settle this problem. Which on the contrary, I think that Big @$$ mouth duty officer was being over confident, being just an EMPTY VESSEL!
Result? I was having a merry-go-round with the taxi uncle. Wasting his time n MY money.
Turned out at the end they didn't check the information properly and the personnel thanked me for informing them. Except for that Big @$$ Mouth duty officer!

Question 1: Why did the planning department approve my COF knowing that my recency is almost expiring? (I in fact do know that it's my duty to make sure of my recency, that's why I've called them earlier and told them about the case, which they assured me that I can still operate, as of GMT calculation wise. )
Question 2: If I were to go for the flight, trusting on the assurance of the Big @$$ mouth duty officer, which later they realised their mistake and paxed me back n I get the penalty of demerits, am I going to have to take all the blame??
Question 3: If I did not get the name of the duty officer, who am I suppose to point the case to?

So fellow colleagues, please be more careful with all this matter. Sometimes, you can't just trust these Big @$$ mouth people with their assurance. Most of the time they are just trying to save their @$$es. This is a dog eat dog world. If sh*t happens, they are just gonna find a scapegoat and if you're not careful of it, you will be the unlucky Victim!
LESSON: Don't be overconfident. Knowing which in the end if you made a mistake, you will be slapping your Big @$$ mouth in front of your colleagues! And please learn to respect other people and your subordinates, we're all working under the same roof!

p/s: Oh btw, sorry dude, your good colleague accidentally spilled your name out. Please do not think that you can get away with it if anything happens, VELLU!